139: Where Do I Start?
The art of the start is the hardest thing.
One of the questions I get asked most often in my Nion Life Community is, “How do I start?” And it’s an important question. You can be someone with passion, you can be good at your art, but it’s completely different to take this thing and start to make a career with it. How do you spread the word? How do you start making money? Today on the show I’m going to give you a few pointers, a few of my thoughts on how to get started with a career in art.
You must be patient, you must work hard, and you must create.
Some things we learn in this podcast:
- Why you have to just start [2:20]
- Read The War of Art [3:00]
- You have to be willing to put in the time to make time to create [3:30]
- Why you should start small [4:30]
- Identify your fears [6:40]
- Dedicate time to your craft [7:55]
- Make and make and make [8:25]
Links mentioned:
- Join the Nion Life Community and take the quiz for more content
- Read The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
- Read Art & Fear by David Bayles
- Check out the 100 Day Project
- Listen to the episodes mentioned: