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If you put art or something creative out into the world, of course you want to see it do well.

Today I’m talking to Jared Kleinert, a returning guest, and one of the youngest people I’ve had on the show. Jared has a new book out, 3 Billion Under 30, that he is self publishing and focusing on creating a community around. Listen in to hear him talk about how to use your network to amplify your creative projects and what his creative process for writing this book was like.

I also wanted to tell you about a Nion Life Facebook group I started to build community for creatives. You can join the group and share your stories, your work, and your challenges. I also just wanted to foster a community of collaboration, to connect creatives with each other. We are still building this group, so if you join it and have ideas or suggestions, that would be awesome.

I try to go deep with people when I’m with them so that that lives past our time apart.

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”How To Amplify Your Creative Project With Your Network” artist=”Jared Kleinert” image=”” color=”#de4b9b” ]

Some things we learn in this podcast:

  • Why Jared wrote his new book [3:50]
  • The benefits of self publishing a book [7:10]
  • Who are the people featured in the new book [9:00]
  • How to use your network to create success [11:10]
  • Why Jared offers something in exchange for help with the book [15:40]
  • What Jared can offer to people in his book [19:30]
  • How to keep track of your network [21:00]
  • How to use social media as a marketing tool [23:05]
  • Why this book is a business [24:05]
  • Jared’s favorite stories from the book [28:25]

Links mentioned:

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112: Jared Kleinert – How To Amplify Your Creative Project With Your Network

infuse your vision with a fresh breath of  creativity and vitality


masterfully aligning perception and reality through personal branding 



infuse your vision with a fresh breath of  creativity and vitality